
Terapia por Contensão Induzida®️ group performs on line supervision, assessment of patients and suggests the individualized treatment protocol for care in private clinics and rehabilitation institutions, providing all the necessary support to former students who have been trained in the technique.

I Internacional Symposium of CIMT 

The 1st International Symposium of Constraint-Induced Therapy aimed to promote opportunities for professionals, students and researchers in the field of rehabilitation to share their experiences and knowledge, in addition to updating the scientific and clinical community.


This Symposium was the result of an international collaboration between the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar - Brazil) and the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB - USA) and had speakers from Canada, Australia, Spain, Colombia in addition to the hosts, Brazil and the United States.


There were three days of many exchanges and learning with participants from Germany, Turkey, Ireland, Australia, Kuwait, Japan, England, Canada, Italy, the United States and Brazil.




The TCI group has already participated in research in collaboration with several universities in Brazil. Their research is currently focused on the Functionality and Technological Innovation in Neurorehabilitation Group (GFIT-neuro) at UFSCar-SP.

Clinical Care



Terapia por Contensão Induzida®️ group has a space in São Paulo, Feito em Corpo Clinic, where upper limb and lower limb protocols are performed for adult patients.

The clinic has a room prepared for the care of patients who perform the Constraint-Induced Therapy protocol.

Before starting treatment, the patient undergoes a specific evaluation with a trained therapist, to evaluate the selection criteria for the technique in addition to specific evaluations before and after the end of therapy.


Programa de Atualização

Profisio Neurofuncional, volume 2, 2015

Publisher: Secad

Chapter: Terapia por contensão induzida no paciente neurológico pediátrico
Authors: Isabella de Souza Menezes, Natalia Duarte Pereira Furtado e Sarah Monteiro dos Anjos



Terapia Ocupacional na Reabilitação Pós-Acidente Vascular Encefálico, 2012

Editora: Santos

Chapter: Terapia por Contensão Induzida

Authors: Isabella de Souza Menezes, Natalia Duarte Pereira Furtado e Sarah Monteiro dos Anjos

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Reabilitação Neurofuncional: Teoria e Prática, 2022

Editora: Thieme Revinter

Chapter:Terapia por Contensão Induzida - Intensidade, Repetição e Reforço Positivo

Authors: Isabella de Souza Menezes, Natalia Duarte Pereira Furtado e Sarah Monteiro dos Anjos



Motor Activity Log-Brazil: reliability and relationships with motor impairments in individuals with chronic stroke


Terapia por Contensão Induzida (TCI) em adolescentes com hemiparesia espástica: relato de caso


Effect of aerobic exercise prior to modified constraint-induced movement therapy outcomes in individuals with chronic hemiparesis: a study protocol for a randomized clinical trial


The evaluation of non-use of the upper limb in chronic hemiparesis is influenced by the level of motor impairment and difficulty of the activities–proposal of a new version of the Motor Activity Log


Translation, cultural adaptation and reliability of the brazilian version of the Graded Wolf Motor Function Test in adults with severe hemiparesis


Addition of trunk restraint to home-based modified constraint-induced movement therapy does not bring additional benefits in chronic stroke individuals with mild and moderate upper limb impairments: A pilot randomized controlled trial


Influences of hand dominance on the maintenance of benefits after home-based modified constraint-induced movement therapy in individuals with stroke


Reliability of the brazilian version of the Wolf Motor Function Test in adults with hemiparesis


Uso de três princípios de intervenção aumenta a efetividade da terapia por contensão induzida: estudo de caso


Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy for Lower Extremity Function: Describing the LE-CIMT Protocol


Lower Extremity Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (LE-CIMT) to Improve Gait and Mobility of People with Stroke


Clinical factors associated with the development of nonuse learned after stroke: a prospective study